Tuesday 4 August 2009

Different shaped diamonds for your diamond ring – Part 3

Pear Diamond
Pear shaped diamonds is a type that can be cut in various proportions. This diamond shape is suitable to be a centre diamond for a diamond ring. From it shape that one end is rounded and one is tapering pointed this pear diamond shape should be set with special five prongs.

Oval Diamond

Oval shaped diamond is a popular engagement diamond ring style. This shape is a brilliant shape diamond and proper for people who like a different style from what they already have got. The common ratio for oval diamond shape is 1.5 lengths and 1.0 width and excellent for the platinum setting.

Heart Diamond

The heart shaped diamond it the most romantic and meaningful diamond ring for your lover. This diamond shape also requires a very advance skill to cut because of its complexity. When you are looking for a heart shaped diamond, the symmetry is a significant factor that you need to take into account. Moreover, this diamond ring style also requires the special protection setting to make it look more outstanding from the band.

Trillion Diamond

The trillion is cut a make a bold statement. This shaped diamond is often uses as a side stone for other shaped diamond for an engagement ring. However, trillion shaped diamond is sometimes used as a single stone but it is required a large size of diamond.

Monday 3 August 2009

Different shaped diamonds for your diamond ring – Part 2

Marquise Diamond

The marquise diamond is another classic style fro diamond ring. This shape diamond require advance skill because to gain to perfect brilliant, this shape diamond must be cut by using 2:1 ideal ratio of length to width. It is also must be cut not to thin to avoid the optical effect.

Emerald Diamond

The emerald shaped diamond is a simple but very classic diamond shape. This shape diamond will be perfect with platinum ring. The best ration for emerald diamond is 1.50:1.00.

Radiant Diamond

The radiant cut is an advance cut by combining the round reflection with the emerald shape diamond. This is a perfect choice for people who love a brilliant diamond ring but would like to try different diamond ring style from a round shape. However, to set it securely, this radiant shape diamond rind needs to be set with special prongs.

Cushion Diamond

The cushion diamond is a square diamond shape. It is a very rare diamond ring style. The cushion shape diamond could be perfect with single stone style.